September 7, 2023

Eyelash Extension Adhesive- what you need to know!

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What is our Jet Black adhesive?  What is it made from?  What ingredients does it have? Does it work? Will it help my lash retention?  

I will answer ALL of these questions for you here!  

First- what is our Jet Black Adhesive?  This eyelash extension adhesive is quick drying, and easy to use.  It is cruelty free and suitable for Classic eyelash extensions, Hybrid, Volume, and Mega volume lashes. 

Most adhesives are created with similar ingredients, but different amounts of each ingredient.  The amounts of this lash glue cause it to dry rapidly and give amazing hold!  Our adhesive contains cyanoacrylate, methyl, and carbon black.  No latex or formaldehyde.

So why do some adhesives seem to work better than others?  Are you always on the hunt for a new glue?  

To get the most out of your lash sets and get the very best lash retention, it is important to follow these handy tips:

  1. Apply the lash properly.  Ensure the base of the extension is adhered to as much of the natural lash as possible.

  2. Use enough adhesive.  If your lashes are popping off throughout your service, then you aren’t using enough glue.  Always stay 0.5-1.5mm away from the skin.

  3. Make sure your environment is right!  Is your temperature and humidity correct?  Get a temperature checker from amazon and stick it in your room and always keep the temperature between 72 degrees F and 76 degrees F.

  4. Replace your adhesive often.  Adhesive can last unopened on a shelf for up to 12 months, but once you have opened it, and allowed oxygen in, you must replace AT LEAST every 6 weeks.  Every 4 weeks is the best bet when it comes to replacement. 

If you notice that you place volume or mega Volume fans and they immediately close up, this means that you have not allowed the glue enough time to set before placing it.  To keep the fan open, you do one of two things:

  1.  You can crystallize the fan (to understand more of this, dive into a lash training that covers crystallizing fans)

  2. You can place the volume or mega volume fan, hold it there for a count of 4-6 seconds, and slowly release your tweezers.  This will keep the fan open.

Every successful lash artist invests in quality products that work for them.  The Jet Black Adhesive works best at 72 degrees F and humidity at 10-40%.  

If your humidity is low, it is easy to get a humidifier for your room that will increase it.  If your humidity is too high, you can order a dehumidifier to decrease it.  Influencing your environment is key to making your lash glue perform its best.

Jet Black lash adhesive is the best lash glue for retention that I have found which is exactly why we included it in our Lash Line.  This lash glue can give you amazing lash retention when it is used and applied properly.  If you have clients that are losing lashes on one eye only, that is a sign that you want to work on your application.  

Lashes can also be cleansed and wet immediately after application.  Allow the lashes to sit for 5 minutes and then clients are able to wash right away.  

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